(803) 603-4700

take the journey with me

journaling for wellness and personal growth

Journal Entries

My entries are best read from the oldest journal entry forward, although you may enjoy them in whatever order you choose.

Intentional Growth

Intentional Growth

We can all awaken from the trance of our daily lives at any time and give expression to our soul, finding new but hidden aspects of our humanness. We can bring into awareness some banished aspects of the Self—the playful friend, the creator, the judge, the magician, the ruler, the seeker, the lover…

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Core Issues

Core Issues

I dreamed recently of a young man climbing inside the hollow trunk of a standing tree. He shimmied through the trunk to remove an undetonated bomb that had been there a long time. I believe my dream is calling my attention to a “core issue”, perhaps to the need to more successfully remove or at least defuse that core issue in my present.

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Disappointment in relationships is a universal fact of life to which we are all subject. Betrayals, large and small can only happen to those who care enough to be in relationship—everyone who loves gets hurt in some way. Everyone who enters the marketplace gets betrayed at some point in time.

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Under the spell

Under the spell

…of the narcissist’s charm

What is so attractive about a person who is pathologically self-absorbed and enjoys manipulating and exploiting others?

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“Let me tell you a story…” It is the oldest invitation in human experience. Our stories are an invitation to relationship and thereby an invitation to meaning. To be a person is to have a story to tell. Humans are natural storytellers and we constantly invite story exchanges: How are you doing? What’s up? How can I be of help? What brings you here?

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Wateree Counseling Boutique
Lake Wateree
Ridgeway, SC 29130


Wateree Counseling Boutique serving areas of Ridgeway, Camden, Winnsboro, Columbia Northeast, Columbia City Center, Lancaster, Sumter, Rock Hill, Ft. Mill, SC.